Friday, November 18, 2011


Today I have decided to write about my favorite video games ever made for the PC, Fallout 3. The eerie post nuclear apocalyptic world of Washington D.C. is a place on travel list. Fortunately for me Fallout 3 provides a virtual vacation to this very spot. Starting out as a survivor of a nuclear holocaust with little more than a handgun a map and a set of character traits you find yourself stranded in a radioactive wasteland. You know nothing of the world around you, but you will learn fast. Scavenging everything you can to survive. Along the way they are weapons and resources to be found. You will need these to live in this world. Everywhere in the wasteland, mutated, dangerous radioactive creatures are waiting to slaughter you. Even the cockroaches which are the most benign of all the creatures in this game are a third the size of a human. Left with only a few clues as to how to find your father who left you behind and a gun with a few bullets, you make your way out into the unknown. Soon you will find others in similar peril scattered throughout the wastes in small clusters struggling to survive. This world is a give and take place. In the pursuit of your father you will meet many characters along the way. Some you may help in exchange for what they have, or you might trade for what they need. Others may try to rob you or even kill you. Some will even pretend to be your friend only to stab you in the back when they have the chance. Fallout 3 provides a grim but hopeful prospect for humanity after the nuclear apocalypse of world war three. The human will to survive persists in small desperate settlements scattered throughout the wastes. Whole cites stand empty, as ghosts of human civilization. These buildings serve as tombstones for the residents which were trapped in them years ago when the bombs fell. Desperation pits all against all in the wastes as you battle mutant monsters and villains while navigating treacherous and crumbling D.C. Creating alliances with some factions and declaring war on others as you chase the only person who knows why you're here.

Surreptitious: marked by quiet, caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed. 

Perfidious: tending to betray

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