Thursday, November 3, 2011


A little bit of humanism could go a long way. The idea of humanism is that people are what is important, and human freedom is the most important thing. Humanism denies the supernatural and the mystical. Instead inquiry and careful reasoning are what is promoted. The ideology leaves room for individuals to develop their own meaning and direction in life. The goals are broad but simple and maintain that humans possess basic rights which must be upheld through a generally accepted ethical code which promotes freedom of expression and belief. I don't think that I subscribe to every portion of the humanist philosophy, but I think a little humanistic thought could prevent a lot of self inflicted human misery. I wonder how people can justify killing each other. It would seem more sensible to me to just not talk or maybe move away if grievances can't be settled. Maybe to others the best solution is a dead neighbor. 

Libel: A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation

Parsimony: Extreme unwillingness to spend money or resources 

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