SF bay area is probably my favorite place on the entire web. The website has been almost the same since I discovered it years ago. There is nothing fancy, no flash, pictures, banners or anything. . That's part of the beauty of the site, its just so simple. Text and people looking for others with common interests. I have used Craigslist numerous times before to buy and sell various items. Things are almost always available for far below the market price on Craigslist and they even have a free section if your not willing to pay anything. If you're not concerned with buying and selling goods though don't worry. Craigslist is well known for its other services. There is a community section if you're trying to promote something or organize events, and there is always my favorite, the personals section. Some of the weirdest posts show up in that section. There are platonic channels, men for men channels women for men and just every other combination of sexes. Of all of the sections in the personals though missed connections is my absolute favorite. The missed connections section exists for individuals to leave posts addressing someone they were unable or too scared to approach. Often the missed connections section reads something like "Dear beautiful girl with red hair on the subway with a soft slender figure, I wished our eyes could have met as your train passed...". Most of the time people leave anonymous posts. My friends and I have found some real gems browsing them on a boring afternoon. My girlfriend receives all kinds of missed connections posts expressing creepy amounts of affection for her. Sometimes I get an honorable mention as the lucky boy dating the girl of their dreams. It's kind of creepy, but at least it gives me something to browse when it's cold outside and I don't have any homework.
Good times included in the link below
Orthogonal: Intersecting or lying at right angles; statistically independent
Myopic: Unable to see distant objects clearly, nearsighted
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